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From a reader who emailed his comments to me (thank you!! -- sharing here as I love the interpretation from this reader):

I read some of your recent articles. Your writings are wonderful!! The most impressive one is your flash fiction “Dreamscape”, because it reminds me of the Hindu story “ Shibi “ . ( I don’t know much about the Hindu, I just have read the story in Japanese book in my childhood. It is very difficult for me to explain this story in English, so I’m sending you wikipedia link as shown below for your information. I think that the content of this page is not enough, and that the core concept of the story is not the same as your story, but I hope this page would help you.)


Anyway, I interpret this story as our world itself.

I mean, “the lonely ocean” represents the whole universe, “a luxurious dinner cruise” represents the earth, and "the guests” represents us.

What does “ the host" represent? is a difficult question. My answer is that it represents the systems we created in our world.(such as economic systems, political systems, or other systems that define our societies, social relationships and cultures, etc,,,)

Let’s take Capitalism for example. Capitalism will keep going without concerning about us. It could match with the last paragraph of your story.

We, human beings, have to survive the cruel world at the sacrifice of others (sometimes of ourselves).

I think your story shows this fact symbolically and figuratively.

Another interesting part of the story is the repeatedly used phrase “ the still-sizzling plate”.

I’m not sure what you intended to express, but the words seem to have important meanings to express the movement of time.

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